Friday 23 September 2016

Job Research

The Task

Today, we have researched a variety of sections of the Media industry. Then, what job titles there when and what specific skills are required by each of them. For example:
·         Film and TV
o   Camera Man
§  Technical Skills
§  Attention to detail

The skills I have used today are:
·         Evaluation
·         Communication
·         Problem Solving
·         Team Working
·         Organisation
·         Researching
·         Time management
The jobs I would like to do out of these are:
·         Photographer
·         Camera Operator

This is because I have the skills required to have this job role such as; Imaginative, Technical Skills, Patience, Physical Co-Ordination and Attention to detail.

The next task we had to complete, we had to research the two jobs we wanted to do. I researched job information on being a Camera Operator and Photographer. I found that the best job for me out of these two would be a Camera Operator. This is because it has a high pay and would suit my skills, which include those shown above.

These tasks link in with Project Connect by showing that the skills in Project Connect are required to get both jobs I have chosen. This shows that Project Connect is a very important aspect to follow in the life of education and careers.

Overall, I have carried out research into job roles and have looked at requirements and skills needed for that job. This has prepared me for creating a creative CV. I am currently logging a daily log for the skills and knowledge I have gained.

Job Research

Salary: £30,000 to £70,000 per year
Employers: TV Stations, Cable Companies, Film Companies
Responsibilities: Fixed, mobile or remote cameras
·        Study Scripts and understand how scenes should look
·        Select suitable equipment
·        Select suitable lighting and locations
·        Set-up equipment to be used
·        Work with instructions
·        Operate cameras and record them
·        Technical Skills
·        Up-to-date knowledge of filming methods
·        Attention to detail
·        Work under pressure
·        Reliable
·        Communication skills
·        Up to 10 hours a week and may need to work weekends and nights
·        Work indoors and outdoors and in most conditions
·        Travel to a range of locations around the world
·        No requirements
·        May need tertiary qualification in TV and Film Production
·        Good hearing, normal colour vision, strong back and legs, good level of fitness.
·        Hard to get in

·        Well paid
·        Important role
·        Keep you occupied
·        Hard to get
·        Have to travel
·        Not a lot of places to get the job

Website used:
Salary: £12,000 - £20,000 per year
Employers: Self-employed, private companies
·        Work out ideas for photo shots
·        Arrange cameras, lighting and props
·        Use digital and manual cameras
·        Process and edit photos for printing or for the internet
·        Technical knowledge for equipment
·        Control equipment
·        Reliable and efficient
·        Work business hours
·        May be required to work extra (e.g., weekends and evenings)
·        Work in studios, offices and outdoors
·        Travel locally, nationally and globally

·        No specific requirements
·        Art, ICT and physics may be useful
·        Easy to do
·        Average pay
·        Self-employed
·        Can get low pay
·        Can be hard to get
·        Have to travel
·        Not always needed

Website used:

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